Submitter Stats: MrPr1993 All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 98
Games Submitted To 40
Largest Genre (by Games) Customs (31 games)
Largest Genre (by Models) Customs (37 models)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Quest 64
Quest 64

(12 models)
Most Popular Models
1 Crash Bandicoot Tawna 32,524 hits
2 Dragon's Crown Customs Sorceress (N64) 18,923 hits
3 Undertale Customs Frisk (N64) 17,192 hits
4 Crash Bandicoot Customs Tawna (Classic) 16,970 hits
5 Star Fox 64 Fox McCloud 16,785 hits
6 Shantae Customs Shantae (N64) 16,766 hits
7 Bayonetta Customs Bayonetta (Low-Poly) 16,737 hits
8 Star Fox 64 Arwing 16,419 hits
9 Mega Man Customs Mega Man (N64) 16,329 hits
10 Conker's Bad Fur Day Berri 16,246 hits
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