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One Mii's Trash is Another Planet's Treasure
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Posted by Peardian - March 1, 2025 - 5:32 PM
Get ready for a big update! Harder worker GianaSistersFan64 submitted over 700 Miitopia models, bringing us just about every outfit and weapon in the game! Meanwhile, Virjoinga gave us over 100 plants and zombies from Plants vs. Zombies 3, and I chipped in every remaining treasure from Pikmin 2. If you want to see some neat low-poly environments, I recommend looking at Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. Be sure to check out the dozens of new custom models as well!

We recently hit a record-breaking high of 8400+ models in the queue. Once again, we thank everyone for their patience and cooperation. We would be so much farther behind if it weren't for those of you who follow the guidelines, fix small mistakes in your exports, and provide good-quality icons.

For this month's model tip: treat JPEG like poison! The JPEG image format is lossy, which means that image data gets destroyed when using it. If you convert a texture to .jpg, it is impossible to convert it back to how it was. The damage cannot be undone, and the image must be re-ripped. This is why, except for the very rare cases where a game developer uses the JPEG format natively, we do not allow JPG textures.

Anyway, enjoy!
Models in this update: 1,320 (Show Models)

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