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Models Submitted 16
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Genre (by Games) Action-Adventure (1 game)
Largest Genre (by Models) Action-Adventure (16 models)
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1 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Willy Wonka 14,836 hits
2 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Violet Beauregarde 13,799 hits
3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Augustus Gloop 12,373 hits
4 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Veruca Salt 11,109 hits
5 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Charlie Bucket 9,001 hits
6 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Oompa-Loompa 8,953 hits
7 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Grandpa Joe 8,793 hits
8 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Mike Teavee 7,457 hits
9 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Candy Cane Tree 7,006 hits
10 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Decontamination Machine 4,700 hits
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