Submitter Stats: satanlegs All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 102
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Console (by Games) DS / DSi (2 games)
Largest Console (by Models) DS / DSi (102 models)
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(100 models)
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1 Nintendogs Shiba Inu 3,967 hits
2 Nintendogs Chihuahua 3,862 hits
3 Nintendogs Siberian Husky 3,332 hits
4 Nintendogs Boxer 3,063 hits
5 Nintendogs Moai Statue 2,857 hits
6 Nintendogs Labrador Retriever 2,844 hits
7 Nintendogs German Shepard 2,734 hits
8 Nintendogs Pug 2,533 hits
9 Nintendogs Dalmation 2,388 hits
10 Nintendogs Pembroke Welsh Corgi 2,288 hits
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