Submitter Stats: pokeYHS All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 18
Games Submitted To 6
Largest Console (by Games) DS / DSi (4 games)
Largest Console (by Models) DS / DSi (13 models)
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Most Popular Models
1 Metal Fight Beyblade: Bakushin Susanow Attacks! (JPN) Big 1,061 hits
2 Metal Fight Beyblade (JPN) Aquario 1,003 hits
3 Metal Fight Beyblade: Bakushin Susanow Attacks! (JPN) Mac 948 hits
4 Wreck-It Ralph Storybook Deluxe Track 1 844 hits
5 Metal Fight Beyblade: Bakushin Susanow Attacks! (JPN) Mac 678 hits
6 Metal Fight Beyblade: Bakushin Susanow Attacks! (JPN) 320 572 hits
7 Beyblade: Evolution Garudas 556 hits
8 Beyblade: Metal Masters Ancient 436 hits
9 Beyblade: Evolution Wanrir 408 hits
10 Beyblade: Evolution Whiger 370 hits
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