Submitter Stats: ggctuk All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 34
Games Submitted To 4
Largest Console (by Games) Custom / Edited (2 games)
Largest Console (by Models) PC / Computer (20 models)
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Biggest Contributions
Most Popular Models
1 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 501st Trooper (Episode III) 21,540 hits
2 Digimon Customs Kari Kamiya (Anime / Movie) 17,865 hits
3 Star Wars: Battlefront Battle Droid 17,607 hits
4 Star Wars Customs Clone ARC Trooper Phase 2 17,113 hits
5 Star Wars: Battlefront Stormtrooper 15,708 hits
6 Star Wars: Battlefront Clone ARC Trooper 14,724 hits
7 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Death Star Gunner 13,707 hits
8 Star Wars: Battlefront Clone Trooper 13,499 hits
9 Star Wars: Battlefront Dark Trooper Phase 0 13,010 hits
10 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Clone Commander 12,977 hits
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