Submitter Stats: auxfox All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 45
Games Submitted To 9
Largest Console (by Games) PlayStation 3 (3 games)
Largest Console (by Models) PC / Computer (20 models)
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(20 models)
Most Popular Models
1 LittleBigPlanet Sackboy 92,075 hits
2 PaRappa the Rapper 2 PaRappa 54,028 hits
3 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale PaRappa 45,858 hits
4 PaRappa the Rapper 2 PJ Berri 33,767 hits
5 PaRappa the Rapper PaRappa 32,348 hits
6 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Patapon 17,339 hits
7 Shots AR Noodle (Gorillaz) 13,397 hits
8 PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Boxy Boy 12,196 hits
9 PaRappa the Rapper 2 Joe Chin 11,328 hits
10 LittleBigPlanet Yellow Head 10,958 hits
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