Submitter Stats: Theben All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 42
Games Submitted To 2
Largest Console (by Games) 3DS (2 games)
Largest Console (by Models) 3DS (42 models)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Pokémon X / Y
Pokémon X / Y

(40 models)
Most Popular Models
1 Pokémon X / Y #038 Ninetales 24,470 hits
2 Pokémon X / Y #018 Pidgeot 24,058 hits
3 Pokémon X / Y #037 Vulpix 23,428 hits
4 Pokémon X / Y #039 Jigglypuff 21,659 hits
5 Pokémon X / Y #016 Pidgey 20,372 hits
6 Pokémon X / Y #052 Meowth 20,237 hits
7 Pokémon X / Y #015 Beedrill 19,814 hits
8 Pokémon X / Y #019 Rattata 19,332 hits
9 Pokémon X / Y #058 Growlithe 17,815 hits
10 Pokémon X / Y #054 Psyduck 16,433 hits
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