Submitter Stats: Satsubatsu347 All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 92
Games Submitted To 8
Largest Console (by Games) PlayStation 3 (4 games)
Largest Console (by Models) Dreamcast (51 models)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Frame Gride
Frame Gride

(27 models)
Killer is Dead
Killer is Dead

(23 models)

(14 models)
Most Popular Models
(1 NSFW model not included)
1 Killer is Dead Betty 5,884 hits
2 Illbleed Michel Waters 5,624 hits
3 Berserk Millennium Falcon Arc: Chapter of the Flowers of Oblivion (JPN) Anet 4,914 hits
4 Godzilla Heisei Godzilla 4,630 hits
5 Godzilla Monsterverse Godzilla 4,353 hits
6 Killer is Dead Dolly (Human) 4,309 hits
7 Berserk Millennium Falcon Arc: Chapter of the Flowers of Oblivion (JPN) Horse 3,933 hits
8 The Ring: Terror's Realm Sadako 3,563 hits
9 Berserk Millennium Falcon Arc: Chapter of the Flowers of Oblivion (JPN) Kaku 3,505 hits
10 Berserk Millennium Falcon Arc: Chapter of the Flowers of Oblivion (JPN) Jeni 3,450 hits
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