Submitter Stats: LJSTAR All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 53
Games Submitted To 4
Largest Console (by Games) PSP (1 game)
Largest Console (by Models) PSP (32 models)
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1 Red Ash (Prototype) Call (Mighty No. 9) 12,137 hits
2 Red Ash (Prototype) Beck (Red Ash) 10,251 hits
3 Red Ash (Prototype) Call C. Bones 8,787 hits
4 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Milla Maxwell 7,302 hits
5 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Cheria Barnes 6,939 hits
6 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Chloe Valens 6,875 hits
7 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Asbel Lhant 6,365 hits
8 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Senel Coolidge 6,322 hits
9 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Kohak Hearts 6,253 hits
10 Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave Marta Lualdi 6,185 hits
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