Submitter Stats: HeronNobody All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 262
Games Submitted To 6
Largest Console (by Games) Nintendo 64 (4 games)
Largest Console (by Models) Nintendo 64 (221 models)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contributions
Goemon Customs
Goemon Customs

(39 models)
Most Popular Models
1 Goemon's Great Adventure Sasuke (Maid) 7,791 hits
2 Goemon's Great Adventure Dochuki (Final Form) 7,049 hits
3 Goemon's Great Adventure Yae (Bunny Fur) 5,516 hits
4 Goemon Customs Yae (Pachislot 2) 5,298 hits
5 Goemon Customs Yae (Manga) 4,947 hits
6 Goemon's Great Adventure Bismaru Elegant Battle Arena 4,525 hits
7 Goemon's Great Adventure Kabuki 64 Boss Room 4,340 hits
8 Goemon's Great Adventure Umibōzu 4,171 hits
9 Goemon Customs Maki 4,140 hits
10 Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Oedo Castle 4,116 hits
Custom / Edited Models
Nintendo 64 Models
[221, 1 hidden]
Bismaru Zip Archive
Bismaru Elegant
Bismaru Elegant Zip Archive
Bismaru Elegant Battle Arena
Bismaru Elegant Battle Arena Zip Archive
Blue Urchin
Blue Urchin Zip Archive
Boss Zip Archive
Dancing Thatch
Dancing Thatch Zip Archive
Devil Death God
Devil Death God Zip Archive
Dochuki Zip Archive
Dochuki (Final Form)
Dochuki (Final Form) Zip Archive
Dochuki Boss Stage
Dochuki Boss Stage Zip Archive
Dochuki's Throne Room
Dochuki's Throne Room Zip Archive
Ebisumaru (Sumo)
Ebisumaru (Sumo) Zip Archive
Fireworks Mini-Game
Fireworks Mini-Game Zip Archive
Gashadokuro Zip Archive
Ghost Bus
Ghost Bus Zip Archive
Giant Kappa
Giant Kappa Zip Archive
Goemon (Impact)
Goemon (Impact) Zip Archive
Goemon (Turban)
Goemon (Turban) Zip Archive
Gorotsuki Zip Archive
Gorotsuki Boss Room
Gorotsuki Boss Room Zip Archive
Hide N Seek Kids
Hide N Seek Kids Zip Archive
Iguana Man
Iguana Man Zip Archive
Impact Zip Archive
Impact Cockpit
Impact Cockpit Zip Archive
Kabuki 64
Kabuki 64 Zip Archive
Kabuki 64 Boss Room
Kabuki 64 Boss Room Zip Archive
Kabuki Final
Kabuki Final Zip Archive
Kabuki Final Battle Arena
Kabuki Final Battle Arena Zip Archive
Kenzo Zip Archive
Koji Zip Archive
Mania Zip Archive
Mao Zip Archive
Miss Impact
Miss Impact Zip Archive
Miss Impact Cockpit
Miss Impact Cockpit Zip Archive
Monoshiri Zip Archive
Obismaru Zip Archive
Omitsu Zip Archive
Oni Zip Archive
Phone Booth
Phone Booth Zip Archive
Plasma Zip Archive
Plasma House
Plasma House Zip Archive
Resurrection Machine
Resurrection Machine Zip Archive
Sasuke (Bloomers)
Sasuke (Bloomers) Zip Archive
Sasuke (Fur Coat)
Sasuke (Fur Coat) Zip Archive
Sasuke (Maid)
Sasuke (Maid) Zip Archive
ShiShi Scarecrow
ShiShi Scarecrow Zip Archive
Suzaku Zip Archive
Taisamba 3/4
Taisamba 3/4 Zip Archive
Taisamba 4 Arena
Taisamba 4 Arena Zip Archive
Ukulele Hawaiian
Ukulele Hawaiian Zip Archive
Ukulele Hawaiian Battle Arena
Ukulele Hawaiian Battle Arena Zip Archive
Umibōzu Zip Archive
Well Zip Archive
Wiseman House
Wiseman House Zip Archive
Wiseman House Inner Room 2
Wiseman House Inner Room 2 Zip Archive
Yae (Bunny Fur)
Yae (Bunny Fur) Zip Archive
Yae (Kirameki)
Yae (Kirameki) Zip Archive
Flutter (Low-Poly)
Flutter (Low-Poly) Zip Archive
Horokko Zip Archive
Battleship Balberra (Opening Cutscene)
Battleship Balberra (Opening Cutscene) Zip Archive
Benkei Zip Archive
Bronze Room
Bronze Room Zip Archive
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop Zip Archive
Congo Zip Archive
Dog Zip Archive
Eagle Zip Archive
Ebisumaru (Loin)
Ebisumaru (Loin) Zip Archive
Ebisumaru Magic Training Room
Ebisumaru Magic Training Room Zip Archive
Enemy 1
Enemy 1 Zip Archive
Enemy 2
Enemy 2 Zip Archive
Enemy 3
Enemy 3 Zip Archive
Enemy 4
Enemy 4 Zip Archive
Enemy 5
Enemy 5 Zip Archive
Festival Village (Room 377)
Festival Village (Room 377) Zip Archive
Festival Village (Room 378)
Festival Village (Room 378) Zip Archive
Festival Village (Room 379)
Festival Village (Room 379) Zip Archive
Festival Village (Room 380)
Festival Village (Room 380) Zip Archive
Festival Village (Room 381)
Festival Village (Room 381) Zip Archive
Feudal Lord
Feudal Lord Zip Archive
Fish Zip Archive
Folkypoke Village (Room 373)
Folkypoke Village (Room 373) Zip Archive
Folkypoke Village (Room 374)
Folkypoke Village (Room 374) Zip Archive
Folkypoke Village (Room 376)
Folkypoke Village (Room 376) Zip Archive
Folkypoke Village: Awa
Folkypoke Village: Awa Zip Archive
Game Over
Game Over Zip Archive
General Store
General Store Zip Archive
General Store Items
General Store Items Zip Archive
Goemon Magic Training Room
Goemon Magic Training Room Zip Archive
Goemon's House Interior
Goemon's House Interior Zip Archive
Gold Suite
Gold Suite Zip Archive
Guard with Lantern
Guard with Lantern Zip Archive
Inn Zip Archive
Japan Sea: Underwater
Japan Sea: Underwater Zip Archive
Kai Highway (Room 300)
Kai Highway (Room 300) Zip Archive
Kii: Awaji Island
Kii: Awaji Island Zip Archive
Kii: Torii Gate
Kii: Torii Gate Zip Archive
Kompira Mountain Grounds Shrine Shop
Kompira Mountain Grounds Shrine Shop Zip Archive
Kurobei Zip Archive
Machi (Room 362)
Machi (Room 362) Zip Archive
Machi (Room 363)
Machi (Room 363) Zip Archive
Machi (Room 364)
Machi (Room 364) Zip Archive
Machi (Room 366)
Machi (Room 366) Zip Archive
Machi (Room 371)
Machi (Room 371) Zip Archive
Machi (Room 372)
Machi (Room 372) Zip Archive
Medium Inn Sleeping
Medium Inn Sleeping Zip Archive
Mokubei Zip Archive
Mokubei Home Interior
Mokubei Home Interior Zip Archive
Monoshiri Zip Archive
Mt Fuji: Summit
Mt Fuji: Summit Zip Archive
Mt. Fuji
Mt. Fuji Zip Archive
Mt. Fuji Interior
Mt. Fuji Interior Zip Archive
Mt. Nyoigatake
Mt. Nyoigatake Zip Archive
Mt. Nyoigatake Walkway
Mt. Nyoigatake Walkway Zip Archive
Musashi Zip Archive
Mutsu Zip Archive
Mutsu: Mt. Fear Witch's House
Mutsu: Mt. Fear Witch's House Zip Archive
Mutsu: Shoreline
Mutsu: Shoreline Zip Archive
NPC 1 Zip Archive
NPC 10
NPC 10 Zip Archive
NPC 11
NPC 11 Zip Archive
NPC 12
NPC 12 Zip Archive
NPC 13
NPC 13 Zip Archive
NPC 14
NPC 14 Zip Archive
NPC 15
NPC 15 Zip Archive
NPC 16
NPC 16 Zip Archive
NPC 17
NPC 17 Zip Archive
NPC 18
NPC 18 Zip Archive
NPC 19
NPC 19 Zip Archive
NPC 2 Zip Archive
NPC 20
NPC 20 Zip Archive
NPC 21
NPC 21 Zip Archive
NPC 22
NPC 22 Zip Archive
NPC 23
NPC 23 Zip Archive
NPC 24
NPC 24 Zip Archive
NPC 25
NPC 25 Zip Archive
NPC 26
NPC 26 Zip Archive
NPC 27
NPC 27 Zip Archive
NPC 28
NPC 28 Zip Archive
NPC 3 Zip Archive
NPC 4 Zip Archive
NPC 5 Zip Archive
NPC 6 Zip Archive
NPC 7 Zip Archive
NPC 8 Zip Archive
NPC 9 Zip Archive
Oedo (Room 350)
Oedo (Room 350) Zip Archive
Oedo (Room 353)
Oedo (Room 353) Zip Archive
Oedo (Room 354)
Oedo (Room 354) Zip Archive
Oedo (Room 355)
Oedo (Room 355) Zip Archive
Oedo (Room 356)
Oedo (Room 356) Zip Archive
Oedo (Room 357)
Oedo (Room 357) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle
Oedo Castle Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 000-001)
Oedo Castle (Room 000-001) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 002)
Oedo Castle (Room 002) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 003)
Oedo Castle (Room 003) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 004)
Oedo Castle (Room 004) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 005)
Oedo Castle (Room 005) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 006)
Oedo Castle (Room 006) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 007)
Oedo Castle (Room 007) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 008)
Oedo Castle (Room 008) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 009)
Oedo Castle (Room 009) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 010)
Oedo Castle (Room 010) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 011)
Oedo Castle (Room 011) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 012)
Oedo Castle (Room 012) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 013)
Oedo Castle (Room 013) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 014)
Oedo Castle (Room 014) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 015)
Oedo Castle (Room 015) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 016)
Oedo Castle (Room 016) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 017)
Oedo Castle (Room 017) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 018-019)
Oedo Castle (Room 018-019) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 020)
Oedo Castle (Room 020) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 021)
Oedo Castle (Room 021) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 022-025)
Oedo Castle (Room 022-025) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 026)
Oedo Castle (Room 026) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle (Room 027-046)
Oedo Castle (Room 027-046) Zip Archive
Oedo Castle Stage
Oedo Castle Stage Zip Archive
Oedo Tourist Center
Oedo Tourist Center Zip Archive
Oedo Town (Room 351)
Oedo Town (Room 351) Zip Archive
Oedo Town (Room 358)
Oedo Town (Room 358) Zip Archive
Oedo Town: Front of Castle (Room 352)
Oedo Town: Front of Castle (Room 352) Zip Archive
Oni Zip Archive
Opening Scroll
Opening Scroll Zip Archive
Oyakata-Ebisumaru Zip Archive
Oyakata-Goemon Zip Archive
Plasma Zip Archive
Plasma Dancer
Plasma Dancer Zip Archive
Plasma Fortune Telling Interior
Plasma Fortune Telling Interior Zip Archive
Police Station
Police Station Zip Archive
Pricy Inn Sleeping
Pricy Inn Sleeping Zip Archive
Princess Yuki
Princess Yuki Zip Archive
Restaurant Food
Restaurant Food Zip Archive
Sasuke Magic Training Room
Sasuke Magic Training Room Zip Archive
Shinano: Iga
Shinano: Iga Zip Archive
Shop (Room 400)
Shop (Room 400) Zip Archive
Shop (Room 443)
Shop (Room 443) Zip Archive
Shop (Room 449)
Shop (Room 449) Zip Archive
Shop (Room 463)
Shop (Room 463) Zip Archive
Silver Room
Silver Room Zip Archive
Thaisamba 2 Arena
Thaisamba 2 Arena Zip Archive
Thief Zip Archive
Tsurami Boss Room
Tsurami Boss Room Zip Archive
Tunnel Zip Archive
Tunnel to the Northeast 1
Tunnel to the Northeast 1 Zip Archive
Tunnel to the Northeast 2
Tunnel to the Northeast 2 Zip Archive
Ugo Stone Circle
Ugo Stone Circle Zip Archive
Ushiwaka Zip Archive
Wiseman's House
Wiseman's House Zip Archive
Witch Zip Archive
Yae (Cold Sleeping)
Yae (Cold Sleeping) Zip Archive
Yamato Turtle Stone Bamboo Forest
Yamato Turtle Stone Bamboo Forest Zip Archive
Zazen (Room 359)
Zazen (Room 359) Zip Archive
Zazen (Room 360)
Zazen (Room 360) Zip Archive
Zazen Town: Duck Creek Upstream
Zazen Town: Duck Creek Upstream Zip Archive
Zazen Town: Gojo Ohashi Bridge
Zazen Town: Gojo Ohashi Bridge Zip Archive
Zazen Town: Golden Temple
Zazen Town: Golden Temple Zip Archive
Zazen Town: Shopping District
Zazen Town: Shopping District Zip Archive
Dirk Zip Archive
Duoss Core Ver3.3c
Duoss Core Ver3.3c Zip Archive
Houseveil Zip Archive
P-Powerup Zip Archive
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