Submitter Stats: Griggle788 All Comments on Models RSS Feed
Models Submitted 12
Games Submitted To 1
Largest Console (by Games) Nintendo Switch (1 game)
Largest Console (by Models) Nintendo Switch (12 models)
View By Console | Genre
Biggest Contribution
Most Popular Models
1 Pokémon Sword / Shield #009 Blastoise (Gigantamax) 5,039 hits
2 Pokémon Sword / Shield #003 Venusaur (Gigantamax) 4,876 hits
3 Pokémon Sword / Shield #068 Machamp (Gigantamax) 3,283 hits
4 Pokémon Sword / Shield #038 Ninetales (Alolan) 2,708 hits
5 Pokémon Sword / Shield #052 Meowth (Gigantamax) 2,675 hits
6 Pokémon Sword / Shield #037 Vulpix (Alolan, Low-poly) 2,599 hits
7 Pokémon Sword / Shield #012 Butterfree (Gigantamax) 1,955 hits
8 Pokémon Sword / Shield #052 Meowth (Galarian) 1,219 hits
9 Pokémon Sword / Shield #051 Dugtrio (Alolan) 1,201 hits
10 Pokémon Sword / Shield #052 Meowth (Alolan) 1,138 hits
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