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The 3rd Birthday
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The 3rd Birthday
The 3rd Birthday
Console Genre Developers
PSP Shooter Developer coming soon!
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May 9, 2022, 12:14 AM
I like the Aya Brea lightning outfit
Jul 28, 2021, 12:46 AM
At least I'll always have Final Fantasy VII--oh...wait...
Jan 3, 2021, 9:58 AM
My comment was referring to how the game has conflicting priorities since it gives her a more fragile body with little curves, but makes destructible outfits that end up too revealing by the end of the mission.
You can see that in how weapons will trigger an overdive even on the weakest enemies in the game, but neither the weapons can kill said enemies before having to reload, and neither can you with the overdive, but if you reload, you lose the overdive which is the only way to unlock the orbs for the DNA board. Speaking of the DNA board, not only you have these ambiguous abi8litis that take forever to level up, it's also a random effect, so you end up re-rolling the board over and over just to get the desired effect.
The game is a smorgasbord of bad decisions, like having a chapter last for an hour and the following one for 15 minutes, the fact there's a secret ending for finishing it the second time, infinite ammo for finishing it 10 times and you unlock the shower scene on the movie viewer after finishing it 50 times.
There is also how every weapon has several variations that are too expensive to upgrade and when you upgrade them, some of the stats go down, and when you have weapons that you like, two of the four slots you have are used by the default handgun and the weapon the person you're possessing is using. By the way, every time a soldier dies, they scream for five minutes, and there was only one sound recorded for that.
This game is often cited as a game that disrespects an iconic female character, but deep down, it just hates life, it turned Maeda into a pervert, soldiers are only seen as extra lives and it turns Kyle into a quasi-pedophile. And when it comes to Aya, they knew what they were doing, because every time her real self appears on screen, her personality is on point, but they just chose to give us Eve on her body instead.
These outfits are just a grim reminder of how bad this game was.
Nov 9, 2018, 1:41 PM
Since I played it a few days ago to see what the big hate was about.
You can also safely assume most of that rant is there more for the humor of doing an entire game review in a single comment.
Nov 7, 2018, 7:34 AM
Bravo, man, how long have you kept all that bottled up? xD
Nov 7, 2018, 12:03 AM
Nov 6, 2018, 8:58 PM
Body shaming has extremely little to do with the problems this game had. The story is terrible, confusing, practically meaningless, full of massive plotholes and contradictions, and remains completely opaque well beyond the ending, even if you're paying attention. At no point does the game actually explain how 90% of its mechanics work. The plot ruins some characters by portraying them completely counter to who they were previously. The enemies belong in kingdom hearts rather than Parasite Eve. The human antagonists are far more Final Fantasy than Parsite Eve. Amnesia plot. New York has been remodeled such that no real world places need exist in it. The guns have been replaced by generic random alphanumeric strings where once they had some basis in reality, helping to ground the series in a relatable world, to better sell the horror of the weird. Time travel as a core plot element but also something that's completely glossed over as a normal thing. Conversations that exposit the plot, but require you to intentionally not progress with the mission because taking a single step advances to the next room and forces you to miss the entire conversation. Enemies are completely invulnerable for several seconds during spawning, but will still usurp your autotargetting making you waste ammo on immortal not-yet-entities. Lack of all abilities ever shown by any character involved in any previous title. Characters who die are usually seen in the immediately following scene. Bait and switch character mechanics. Enemies that can be at 0 health but won't die unless you do the special attack, but only in this scene, not any of the others. A tutorial section that doesn't actually explain anything or ensure that you've learned to use any of the things. Unkillable enemies that can teleport and will insta-kill you if they're too close, and you're locked into the room with no space to dodge and have to wait several minutes before you are allowed to escape. An entire chase sequence where this is the case and you will get stuck many times. Two sections where you have to destroy walls with grenades, even though the game never explains this and every other barrier in the game requires you to either kill a load bearing enemy or jump into a different character to get past them. This also happens during an instakill invulnerable unslowable teleporting enemy chase scene. Grenades take a long time to throw and hurt you if you're too close. You do not have the time or space to do this with teleporting deathgod chasing you. Getting hit cancels your grenade throwing animation. Enemies are invulnerable even if you have a perfect shot, unless you're inside their arena space. Toxic gas that can't be avoided in spite of the fact that you are explicitly told to avoid it. Sniping segment with infinitely spawning flying ranged enemies during this same toxic gas arena. Mission directives amount to effectively "follow the green arrow because no one explains what anything is or why you're doing it". Characters do not get introductions until after untimely death and subsequent emotional breakdown scene, causing you to completely not care about them.
Admittedly the fetish outfits are a fault though.
Sep 3, 2016, 8:17 AM *
These terrible outfits and her twig like body are a few of the reasons this game sucked.
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