# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Warrior of Light
Category PSP
Submitter Renz0-Senpai
Size 462.62 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 5,613
Comments 2

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Zip Contents[6]
  • WoL (Default)/diss_00.png
  • WoL (Default)/diss_01.png
  • WoL (Default)/diss_02.png
  • WoL (Default)/Extracted Model 360out.dae
  • WoL (Default)/Extracted Model 360out.fbx
  • WoL (Default)/Extracted Model 360out.smd
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May 17, 2023, 9:23 PM
It won't let me edit the comment from earlier, so:

Found out it was due to the UVs being wrongly mirrored on the Y axis, did that while seeing if I could find a way to fix it and now the textures fit correctly. No idea how they got flipped wrong to begin with but at least it's an easy fix. Works on all of the meshes.
May 17, 2023, 8:27 PM
Hey, tried to get this model working since a friend wants it to use for a project, but seems like it's been broken by something over time. The FBX model can't be loaded with blender 2.93 LTS because it's apparently too new, while the DAE produces white meshes with no texture assignments. Also, when I try to add the textures to the materials manually, their UVs are completely wrong, and the textures all stretch incorrectly over the model regardless of image and material combination.

I'm assuming this is due to some kind of data corruption or incompatibility, as all 3 of the textures have the same issue on the 3 different materials, and I hardly ever run into an FBX too old for blender 2.93 to handle properly. That, or somehow all the textures included are ones not made for this model.
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