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#005 Foxparks
Category PC / Computer
Submitter stormygaret15
Size 14.45 MB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 905
Comments 5

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Zip Contents[15]
  • Foxparks/Eye transparency in Blender.png
  • Foxparks/Eye transparency in Blender method 2.png
  • Foxparks/foxparks.dae
  • Foxparks/foxparks.mtl
  • Foxparks/foxparks.obj
  • Foxparks/foxparks with anim.fbx
  • Foxparks/M_Pal_Fire.props.txt
  • Foxparks/T_Cloud_00.png
  • Foxparks/T_Kitsunebi_Body_B.png
  • Foxparks/T_Kitsunebi_Body_M.png
  • Foxparks/T_Kitsunebi_Body_M2.png
  • Foxparks/T_Kitsunebi_Body_M3.png
  • Foxparks/T_Kitsunebi_Body_N.png
  • Foxparks/T_Kitsunebi_Eye_B.png
  • Foxparks/T_Noise50.png
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May 27, 2024, 7:35 PM
Yeah, it's fairly original. And one of my favorites.
May 18, 2024, 5:27 PM
@Ice God64 Fenniken's snout is different, it's only the eyes, proportions, and the two being firefoxes is the only thing that can compare. Though, its design in general isn't so obviously blatant compared to some Pals that have such designs.
May 18, 2024, 4:27 PM
I've heard people compare Foxparks for Vulpix. I can kind of see that... If the person saying it is missing vital portions of their cerebral cortex.
This looks mouch closer to Fenniken, the rounded anime eyes and the porportions are cleser, and they're both based on Fennec Foxes. That's where the similarities end, though.
In reality, this is just a cute little fox with an affiliation to fire, which is a trope that goes back over a millenia.
May 13, 2024, 10:11 PM
@Smush I guess the fire around the paws? I see it more that it takes the inspiration from a Kyubi with those flames there.
May 13, 2024, 1:45 PM
It's kinda Rapidash but it's a fox thing...isn't it?
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