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Final Fantasy IX
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Category PC / Computer
Models 67
Hits 213,166
Comments 8
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
Console Genre Developers
PC / Computer Turn-Based RPG Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Aug 18, 2020, 9:22 PM
Some of these models are from the PS1 version, at least Blank is. Downloaded and he's too low poly and the texture resolution is too low to be the PC.
Apr 24, 2020, 8:26 PM
You do your planet a service.
Sep 1, 2019, 2:38 AM
@sorapapu Don't worry, unless someone beats me to it, I plan to do every character.
Aug 31, 2019, 5:16 AM
Ah a tad disappointed that Lani hasn't been ripped.
Jun 5, 2017, 2:01 PM
I'll be gone for the month, just wanted to get up what I had saved up before leaving, will do more when I return.
Jun 5, 2017, 10:38 AM
Hey, would you mind informing me on how to rip from this game properly? I want to attempt to rip Kuja, the black mages, and the Black Waltzes. If need be send me a PM?
Jun 5, 2017, 9:29 AM
I am so psyched about this right now.
Jun 3, 2017, 3:36 PM
AHHH! You guys are doing my favourite Final Fantasy Game! Thank you so much!
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