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Category Nintendo Switch
Submitter Qw2
Size 81.64 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 451
Comments 2

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Zip Contents[6]
  • Newspaper/CmnTex_201998d1276ec7bd582d08b744783e6f.png
  • Newspaper/newspaper.dae
  • Newspaper/newspaper.fbx
  • Newspaper/Npc_Hylia_Newspaper_Alb.png
  • Newspaper/Npc_Hylia_Newspaper_Spm.png
  • Newspaper/README.txt
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Dec 21, 2023, 4:36 PM
@BlackFlightNine99: Zelda games have always had a bit of technology thrown in. Ocarina of Time has a bowling alley with neon lights and a jukebox, Majora's Mask has a camera and mechanical clocks, and so on. Compared to those other things, a printing press is fairly reasonable.

In this game, one of the side quests involves helping the newspaper with research.
Dec 21, 2023, 12:20 AM
Newspaper... I never fully played any Zelda games, but aren't the setting mostly High Fantasy Medieval? And this game in particular, is sort of After the End setting, yeah? And this newspaper have photos on them. Who is running the publication and distribution of this anyway? In universe?
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