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Pokémon Legends: Arceus
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Category Nintendo Switch
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Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Console Genre Developers
Nintendo Switch Turn-Based RPG Developer coming soon!
Tagging is in the works and will be here soon!
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Jul 22, 2023, 12:26 PM
@yash mukatee: It's because the Pokémon themselves have complex material setups in this game, with their colours existing only through multiple colour masks and material parameters (otherwise they're pure white).
Jul 22, 2023, 7:27 AM
funny how a pokemon game don't have Pokémon.
Aug 4, 2022, 6:11 AM
For those waiting for pla Pokémon models to be uploaded, I have ripped some hisuian pokemon from Pokémon home. However they have texture based eye expressions rather than rigged eyes. You can check it out here
Jul 31, 2022, 12:25 AM
Kind of Which more PLA models were uploaded. I would do it myself, but I do not know how even to extract models from any video game.
Jul 22, 2022, 3:33 PM
@JimmyN64: Those are considered "Weather Layer Mask" textures, those are going to either require custom shaders or to be left out entirely for renders.
Jul 22, 2022, 1:55 PM
How do the WLM R,G, and B images work? I've tried a bunch of applications and it usually just turns into nonsense.
Jun 15, 2022, 7:04 AM
Yeah, seems like it. I have nooooooo idea how I'm supposed to make the player's clothes show up in different colors.
Jun 1, 2022, 3:20 PM
@Nidoking It's not the models that are the issue. Legends Arceus did their textures significantly different than the other games
May 3, 2022, 9:08 AM
Just some trainers, we still need to figure out how to rip the Pokemon models.
May 2, 2022, 10:22 AM
Yoooo new models!
May 1, 2022, 6:28 PM
So awesome to see this!! I hope we can get the protagonist and the pokemon
Apr 27, 2022, 7:12 PM
@PyroSaurus64 Same, it's friend-shaped :D

From previous comments though, the format is completely different than before, so I understand the wait.
Apr 26, 2022, 8:15 PM
awww, can't wait for hisiuan typhlosion to come
Mar 10, 2022, 8:12 PM *
How I can get colours for player characters' clothes?
Mar 10, 2022, 8:01 AM
"...not the place to make requests..."
Mar 8, 2022, 1:49 AM
Can extract Azure Flute wait prop model?
Feb 27, 2022, 7:31 PM
how good! I have been waiting for the models of the pokeballs, I hope you can find them soon
Feb 25, 2022, 10:55 AM
Why do the wardens have duplicates still pending?
Feb 23, 2022, 4:30 AM
Well Random Talking Bush had the script ready by the time the game officially got released, so maybe it was not that different from the SwSh format.( haven't compared older versions of the script with the latest to verify that)

However the Pokemon Models have a different quirk, where the body Textures are in black and white and there are color masks to color seperate regions of the texture to match the pokemons color palette. The script will now dump material colors for those models to help with picking the right ones.
Feb 23, 2022, 2:25 AM
already? was the file format that easy to decrypt??

(if yes, I wonder if there are any possibilities of model editing in that game)
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