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Champion Digimon
Submitter Hallow
Size 1.35 MB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 5,912
Comments 4

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Zip Contents[6]
  • Cyclonemon/chr452 with animations.fbx
  • Cyclonemon/chr452.dae
  • Cyclonemon/chr452.fbx
  • Cyclonemon/chr452.smd
  • Cyclonemon/chr452a01.png
  • Cyclonemon/chr452_mainsequence.smd
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Oct 31, 2024, 7:45 PM
The name is wrong, it's "Cyclomon", for "Cyclops"
Oct 4, 2023, 8:03 AM
Well, because... Cyclomon is actually a mutilated and mutated Greymon that Leomon humiliated and he becomes this demon which then evolves into SkullGreymon. Even if there is no "mention" or "evidence" of this, it's really obvious. I mean read their entries, they tried to make it vague but it's obvious. We need a proper SkullGreymon mega.
Nov 11, 2020, 3:46 PM
@DigitalDiamal interesting, it's like Skullgreymon is a skeletal version of Cyclonemon.
Aug 30, 2017, 11:36 AM
I notice Cyclonemon and SkullGreymon have a somewhat similar appearance if you compare the other Digimon to this as the two Digimon have a similar head, jaw, and horn. But there is differences between the two, Cyclonemon has four digit claws on the right arm and three at the left, but SkullGreymon have five digit claws on both arms. He has four digit toes while SkullGreymon has only three.
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