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Gotcha Force
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Category GameCube
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Gotcha Force
Gotcha Force
Console Genre Developers
GameCube Action Developer coming soon!
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Aug 25, 2023, 5:32 AM *
Models that aren't t-posed are a bit warped, things like the tanks and fortress are pretty much unaffected.
Strangely enough death borgs seem to be normal as well, It's a bit inconsistent however.
Mar 19, 2023, 9:20 AM
So are the "Pending Models" files waiting for approval?
Oct 23, 2022, 10:22 PM
I wish I had this game
Mar 14, 2022, 2:37 AM
After a quick google search I've found the tools that Rigodron was talking about earlier, I assume Skybot has already gotten them but I figured I'd post it here if something happens. https://github.com/Virtual-World-RE/NeoGF
Dec 9, 2021, 3:22 PM
Rigodron, can you PM me what tools you use? Been trying to learn how to do this stuff for a while, and it'd be real cool to get this page filled out.
Nov 4, 2021, 5:35 AM
Skybot437, my team and me works on reversing some of files, and yes pzz is an archive container, contains compressed data files. TPL is the wii image container, some of software can convert them into PNG. ADX and SFD is audio and MPEG files can read with the CRI ADX ADPCM codec.
Feb 1, 2021, 1:10 PM
Voice files, music, and textures for this one are pretty easy tbh, it's just no one can figure out how to legit rip the models. The model files can be extracted just fine with AFS Explorer, but are in some formats (arc, arz, chd, dpk, mdt, pzz, tpl, tsb, txg) that we don't exactly know how to deal with. The .pzz files you'd think be pretty simple to open with Poser, but na, I've tried. Some older Resident Evil games (many with their own game engines, Capcom why) have a tool for .arc files, but it doesn't work here unfortunately.

I'm no expert past this depth, but from what I can figure, someone'd need to make a tool basically specifically for Gotcha Force in order to convert the models to a usable file type. Again tho, I'm not 100% certain this is the case.
Jul 19, 2020, 1:51 AM
Is it me or does everyone who tries to rip from this game just sorta vanish?
(cept for me as I've ripped all the voice files long ago)
Feb 14, 2020, 9:23 PM
I have been wanting and trying to rip from this game for years but never had any luck due to how obscure the files are. Is there anybody that has any idea on how to rip from this game?
Jan 24, 2018, 6:56 PM
One of the first games I got when I got my first console. Still at the top of my list.

If someone could continue uploading stuff from this game and or tell me somewhere how to properly rip the models so I could upload'em myself, I'd be eternally grateful.
Dec 2, 2017, 10:43 PM
One of those games I wish I had played as a kid. I like it. Kinda reminds me of Cyber Troopers Virtual-On.
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