# - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver

Map Objects

Barrier Station to Bell Tower

Bell Tower

Bellchime Trail Building

Bellsprout Statue

Bill's House

Blackthorn City House

Burned Tower

Cameron the Photographer's House

Celadon City Buildings

Celadon City House

Celadon Condominiums

Celadon Department Store

Celadon Game Corner

Celadon Restaurant

Cerulean Bike Shop

Cerulean City Houses

Charcoal Kiln

Cherrygrove City Houses

Cianwood City House

Cianwood City Pharmacy

Cycling Road Archway

Dragon Shrine

Ecruteak City Entryway

Ecruteak City Houses

Elm Pokémon Lab

Fighting Dojo

Fuchsia City Houses

Fuchsia City Street Lamp

Glitter Lighthouse

Goldenrod City Archway

Goldenrod City Bike Shop

Goldenrod City Buildings

Goldenrod City Station

Goldenrod City Street Lamp

Goldenrod Department Store

Goldenrod Flower Shop

Goldenrod Game Corner

Goldenrod Radio Tower

Goldenrod Tunnel Entrance

Ho-Oh Statue

House of Memories

Indigo Plateau Archway

Johto Pokémon Gyms

Kanto Pokémon Gyms

Kanto Power Plant

Kanto Radio Station

Kimono Dance Theater

Kurt's House

Lavender Town House


Mahogany Town House

Mahogany Town Tower

MooMoo Farm House

MooMoo Farm Silo

Mr. Pokémon's House

Name Rater

National Park Fountains

New Bark Town Houses

Oak Pokémon Research Lab

Olivine Café

Olivine City House

Olivine Port

Pal Park Warden's Home

Pallet Town Houses

Pewter City House

Pewter City Street Lamp

Pewter Museum of Science

Player's House

Poké Mart

Pokéathlon Dome

Pokéathlon Dome Entryway

Pokéathlon Dome Flower Beds

Pokéathlon Dome Gate

Pokéathlon Dome Light

Pokéathlon Dome Tower

Pokémon Center

Pokémon Day Care

Pokémon Fan Club

Pokémon League

Pokémon League Reception Gate

Pokémon School

Ruins of Alph Buildings

Ruins Research Center

S.S. Aqua

Safari Zone Archway

Safari Zone Building

Safari Zone Gate Shops

Safari Zone Gate Torch

Saffron City Building

Saffron City Houses

Saffron City Station

Saffron City Street Lamp

Sea Cottage

Silph Co.

Sinjoh Ruins Cabin

Slowpoke Well

Sprout Tower


Tower Pillar

Train Tracks

Trainer House

Trainer Tips

Umbrella Table

Underground Path Entrances

Vermilion City Houses

Vermilion Port Entrance

Violet City Bridge

Violet City House

Violet City Street Lamp

Viridian City Houses

Viridian City Street Lamp





Console | Genre |
DS / DSi | Turn-Based RPG |
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