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Ristar (Sega Saturn-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Submitter Dreamcasterguy
Size 523.45 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 7,500
Comments 1

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Zip Contents[7]
  • Black Body and Limbs.png
  • Gloves.png
  • Ristar Model Newest Saturn Style.mtl
  • Ristar Model Newest Saturn Style.obj
  • Sega Saturn Ristar Preview.png
  • Shoes.png
  • Star Face.png
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Aug 26, 2017, 8:56 PM
Quick tip: if you really want to nail that Sega Saturn look, turn off (or at least as low as possible) the texture filtering, as the N64 was the only console of the generation capable of it. Also turn off the shading (if your 3D program of choice does not have a "shadeless" option like Blender, set diffuse/albedo and specular/reflective to zero, and set emissive to 100%). This is because the Sega Saturn was did not have the resources to have shading and run decently. Even on the Playstation, game developers like Naughty Dog and their gem Crash Bandicoot, tended towards the less hardware intensive flat shadeless polygons.
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