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Kibidango (Paper Mario-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Other Media Characters
Submitter PeachesCastle
Size 162.80 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 1,232
Comments 2

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Zip Contents[3]
  • Kibidango/Kibidango.dae
  • Kibidango/Kibidango features.png
  • Kibidango/Kibidango main.png
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May 30, 2022, 6:50 AM
Thanks ? I don't fully remember what Kibidango himself was like personality wise in the movie but I love dogs and Prince Haru (human form) is an absolute icon ? And yeah the flat/wooden bits are intentional. I'm already playing verrry loosely with Paper Mario style on here (they're 3D versions of what are supposed to be 2D models) Of course people can flatten them along the depth axis (Y in Blender) and still have the rigs working but yeah if I can still make some bits flat/woodeny I'm going to ?
May 30, 2022, 5:56 AM
I absolutely despised this character in the movie, haha.

The model is good, though! The ears and tail look a bit flat, but perhaps that was intentional.
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