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Alligator Dundee (Paper Mario-Style)
Category Custom / Edited
Other Media Characters
Submitter PeachesCastle
Size 1.16 MB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 1,159
Comments 3

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Zip Contents[11]
  • Alligator Dundee/allieClothes.png
  • Alligator Dundee/allieHat.png
  • Alligator Dundee/allieKnife.png
  • Alligator Dundee/Alligator Dundee.dae
  • Alligator Dundee/alligatorTooth.png
  • Alligator Dundee/DundeeBod.png
  • Alligator Dundee/DundeeEyes.png
  • Alligator Dundee/DundeeHair.png
  • Alligator Dundee/DundeeHead.png
  • Alligator Dundee/DundeeMouth.png
  • Alligator Dundee/DundeeShoes.png
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Jun 5, 2023, 11:14 AM
You can call me "Ratigator Dundee"
May 20, 2022, 3:00 AM
@Dolphman thanks, glad you like it ? I also plan on making Ratagator at some point. Essentially I'm making my way through the alphabetical list of Mario characters. Some I haven't submitted, if I wasn't happy with how they turned out or if they're better suited to being part of a collection (waaay too many Mario Tennis and Mario's Time Machine characters) but 'Gator Dundee and Ali Mustafa are two "out there" characters who lend themselves particularly well to the Paper Mario style. Was kinda scared their obscurity would get them rejected so I'm glad they got approved and that people actually like them ?
May 19, 2022, 11:15 PM
Awesome. Never thought we'd see a character from one of the live action segments. In the episode, he visits the Mario Bros' plumbing service looking for a mutant creature dubbed the "ratagator", it turns out at the end it's friendly and knows Mario & Luigi.
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