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Palm Cat
Category 3DS
Submitter Eeveeloverthespriter8
Size 96.34 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 2,884
Comments 4

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Zip Contents[6]
  • Palm Cats/Malm Tiger/Malm tiger.dae
  • Palm Cats/Malm Tiger/tex1_128x128_4D786E8BB875F9BE_13.png
  • Palm Cats/Palm cat/Palm Cat.dae
  • Palm Cats/Palm cat/tex1_128x128_23209A9DEDDF1E2F_2.png
  • Palm Cats/Sechs Cat/Sechs cat.dae
  • Palm Cats/Sechs Cat/tex1_128x128_D66867A15C3C83D5_13.png
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Sep 2, 2023, 6:43 PM
Nov 28, 2020, 12:07 AM
@Eeveeloverthespriter8 I was just commenting on how they look like rabbits instead, I don't have any knowledge on this game cause I never played it.
Nov 27, 2020, 3:52 AM
Not sure what to tell you myself, as far as i know theyre exclusive to this game, i only ripped them at the time for a friend, funnily enough theres actualy several unused monster icons left on the cartridge, in game some of the monsters arent tamable. Speaking of which this game has quite a good amount of unused stuff left over. Graphics, Models, theres probably even a sound or two. They probably removed it all in the switch port though.
Nov 26, 2020, 6:29 PM
These don't look like cats, they look like rabbits, and their ears look like that of Terriermon and Lopmon.
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