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Category 3DS
Unique NPCs (Overworld)
Submitter Hallow
Size 89.67 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 9,162
Comments 2

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Zip Contents[4]
  • Phoebe/rstr0014_00_fi.dae
  • Phoebe/rstr0014_00_fi_body.png
  • Phoebe/rstr0014_00_fi_face.png
  • Phoebe/rstr0014_00_fi_hair.png
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Jun 20, 2024, 9:00 PM
@Gregory561: Phoebe's outfit is not a traditional Hula outfit, but it is seemingly inspired by similar Polynesian dancers. Being based on an island's culture does not automatically make them water-themed, as the entirety of Pokémon Sun/Moon shows. Dances like Hula are for channeling spirits, so it makes sense as a theme for a Ghost-type trainer. This is why two of Oricorio's forms are Psychic and Ghost type.
Jun 20, 2024, 6:39 PM
If she is a Ghost-type trainer, why does she dress like a hula dancer (Water-type)?
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