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3D Sonic the Hedgehog
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Category 3DS
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Hits 7,584
Comments 3
3D Sonic the Hedgehog
3D Sonic the Hedgehog
Console Genre Developers
3DS Platformer Developer coming soon!
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Aug 30, 2023, 6:56 PM
It's a recompilation of Sonic 1 that separates the different sprite layers into their own planes in a 3D space so that there's a pronounced pop-out effect when played in 3D mode. Think something like cardboard cutouts on a stage to make a background.
Aug 29, 2023, 3:00 PM
@Maxgammer2014; Sonic 3D Blast is its own game, this is the Genesis/Mega Drive Sonic 1 with a cheap visual effect added.
Aug 29, 2023, 12:20 PM
what's the diffrence of sonic and sonic 3d???
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