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Category PC / Computer
Ultimate Digimon
Submitter Key0808
Size 293.72 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 13,190
Comments 1

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Zip Contents[3]
  • Andromon.mtl
  • Andromon.obj
  • Andromon.png
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Oct 2, 2018, 4:17 AM
The best model of Andromon so far, as the Adventure PSP/Cyber Sleuth/Re:Digitize/Links doesn't look good. As I compared it with the Masters Online model, the metal bar-like things attached to his neck are just textures, while the DMO Andromon has it modeled to his neck. The glaring yellow eye "patterns" on his shoe is present on the DMO model, but not on his Adventure PSP/CS/Re:Digitize/Links model.
His eyes are 3D here, while the other model is just textures slapped on.

In a unofficial Digimon game titled: Digimon: Digital Tyrannosaurus Guild Wars, a pretty decent bootleg game by far, interestingly it uses Unity engine and it has original custom models rather than using existing models.
Andromon in Guild Wars has a nice model in that game. Here's a screenshot by someone from Twitter of how he appears in-game: [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DoaLg97WsAA0eDV.jpg:large[/img]
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