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Sonic the Hedgehog
Category DS / DSi
Submitter CalvinHedgewolf13
Size 29.47 KB
Format ZIP (application/zip)
Hits 22,777
Comments 11

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Zip Contents[12]
  • Sonic/JumpBall.mtl
  • Sonic/JumpBall.obj
  • Sonic/Material10.png
  • Sonic/Material11.png
  • Sonic/Sonic.mtl
  • Sonic/Sonic.obj
  • Sonic/son_mat_body.png
  • Sonic/son_mat_eye.png
  • Sonic/son_mat_foot.png
  • Sonic/son_mat_hair.png
  • Sonic/son_mat_hand.png
  • Sonic/son_mat_stomach.png
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Mar 31, 2023, 9:59 PM
@FlamingFox I found out why they look inverted. It's because they're showing Backface. If you're using Blender, you must go to the material properties, head to settings, and turn off "Show Backface". Do this with each Def until he doesn't look transparent—do the same thing with any other DS/DSi Model that looks inverted. Hope this helps.
Jun 8, 2021, 6:59 PM
No matter how different each of the DS models may be from each other, they all share one glaring similarity:

None of them work lmao

For some reason, I have tried every one of the DS Sonic models and all the models are completely fucked up, and I'm not sure why. All the normals seem inverted, but no matter how much I flip them or recalculate or merge vertices or whatever, it looks like utter garbage. Something must have gotten seriously messed up when uploading the model, and I have no clue how to fix it.
Sep 5, 2020, 11:27 AM
hi i was wondering what you used to extract the model? and if the same tool would be able to import a replacement model if i supplied it with one?
May 14, 2019, 11:51 AM
its interesting how in the DS version sonic's model is reused from Sonic Rush but his jumpball model is new. They should of reused both instead of one and it matches the Wii version.
Nov 13, 2018, 3:18 PM
the ds wasn't capable as the 3DS.
so the models ended up looking like they came straight from a sega dreamcast with N64 textures (not saying there bad, its just what it looks like to me)
Jul 13, 2016, 12:05 PM
There are actually 2 different sonic files in Sonic Colors ds, one of them has like 30 different hands in different poses.
Jan 8, 2016, 8:14 PM
The major difference I've noticed is that all three models (SR/SRA/SC) use different UV mappings, and then textures are completely different for the body, and ever so slightly different for the shoes.
Jan 5, 2016, 4:55 PM
@Virt They are very similar but ever so slightly different.
Dec 23, 2015, 7:40 AM
@Virt: The ball texture is different (the ball textures also have a different names).
Dec 22, 2015, 5:48 PM
That ball though.
Dec 22, 2015, 5:15 PM
Are there any differences between this model and the Rush Adventure model?
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